Nutrition in Intensive Care Medicine : Beyond Physiology - karger - 9783318022278 -
Nutrition in Intensive Care Medicine : Beyond Physiology 

Nutrition in Intensive Care Medicine : Beyond Physiology
(World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol. 105)

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The care of ICU patients has seen many improvements over the years, both with regard to technical aspects and supportive measures. The first part of this book analyzes nutritional support at various levels, ranging from the cell level to the whole-body aspect; drawing on recent prospective randomized studies, the authors propose a new approach for oral, enteral and/or [...]
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Auteur : 

Editeur : Karger

Collection : World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics - 15

Date parution :

 Bilingue : Français | Anglais

Préface :
Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
Dimension :
10.6 x 7.8 x 0.6
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
169,00 €(-65%)   59,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "Nutrition in Intensive Care Medicine : Beyond Physiology"

The care of ICU patients has seen many improvements over the years, both with regard to technical aspects and supportive measures.

The first part of this book analyzes nutritional support at various levels, ranging from the cell level to the whole-body aspect; drawing on recent prospective randomized studies, the authors propose a new approach for oral, enteral and/or parenteral nutrition. The second part underlines the interference between nutrition and outcome to reach recovery, giving to this field an increased importance for better short and long term management:

The best glucose control, individualized nutritional support and the avoidance of harmful interferences is extensively discussed. The final part deals with patients suffering from multi-organ failure and the need for a better understanding of the interactions between disease and nutrition. Identification of the metabolic condition of the patient, existence or not of evidence-based medicine, expert opinion, treatment opportunities and the case manager recognizing threats are all integrated to reach the appropriate decision.

This last part will help the reader to untangle the complexity of the ICU patient of the 21st century and to propose a personalized nutritional support process.

En suivant ce lien, retrouvez tous les livres dans la spécialité Nutrition - Pratiques alimentaires.

Sommaire et contenu du livre "Nutrition in Intensive Care Medicine : Beyond Physiology - (World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol. 105)"


IX List of Contributors XI Preface
Singer, P. (Petah Tikva)
Requirements, Routes of Administration and Prescription
1 From Mitochondrial Disturbances to Energy Requirements
Singer, P. (petah Tikva)
12 Protein Metabolism and Requirements
Biolo, G. (Trieste)
21 How to Choose the Route
Grecu, 1. (London) 32 How to Prescribe Nutritional Support Using Computers Berger, M.M. (Lausanne)
43 Oral Feeding Alvarez-Falcon, A.; Ruiz-Santana, S. (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) 50 Enterai Nutrition
Anbar, R (Petah Tikva) 59 Parenteral Nutrition Thibault, R (Clermond-Ferrand); Pichard, C. (Geneva)
How (an Nutrition Interfere with Outcome?
69 Can Nutrition Support Interfere with Recovery from Acute Criticallllness?
Schulman, RC.; Mechanick, JI. (New York, NY) 82 Glucose Control Preiser, J-c. (Brussels) 90 Glutamine
Kim, M.; Wischmeyer, P.E. (Aurora, Colo.)
97 Leucine and Citrulline: Two Major Regulators of Protein Turnover Cynober, L.; de Bandt, J-P; Moinard, C. (Paris)
Organ-Targeted Nutrition
106 The SurgicallTrauma Patient
Weimann, A. (Leipzig)
116 Nutrition and Sepsis
Cohen, J. (Petah Tikva/Tel Aviv); Chin, WD.N. (Edmonton, Alta.)
126 The Renal Failure Patient
Druml, W (Vienna)
136 n-3 Fatty Acids and y-Linolenic Acid Supplementation in the Nutritional Support ofVentilated Patients with Acute Lung lnjury or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Lev, S.; Singer, P. (Petah Tikva)
144 Obesity
Frankenfield, DL (Hershey, Pa.)
154 Nutritionallmbalances during Extracorporeal Life Support
Kagan, 1; Singer, P (Petah Tikva)
160 Nutrition in Pancreatitis
McClave, SA (Louisville, Ky.)
169 Which Nutritional Regimen for the Comorbid Complex Intensive Care Unit Patient?
Singer, P (Petah Tikva); Weinberger, H. (Holon); Tadmor, B. (Petah Tikva)
179 Nutrition Support for Wound Healing in the Intensive Care Unit Patient
Theilla, M. (Petah Tikva)
190 Author Index 191 Subject Index

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