NUOVO PROGETTO ITALIANO 2B - edilingua - 9789607706836 -


Nuovo Progetto Italiano provides about 45-50 hours of classroom lesson. It contains, in one single The first six units (introductory unit-unit5) of the standard version of Student's book and Workbook; the new section with Video activities (Episodes 1-5); a didactic game; the interactive CD-ROM (3.0 version, compatible with both Windows and Mac); the audio CD (a completely new edition, in natural [...]
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Editeur : Edilingua

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ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
28,35 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "NUOVO PROGETTO ITALIANO 2B"

Nuovo Progetto Italiano provides about 45-50 hours of classroom lesson. It contains, in one single The first six units (introductory unit-unit5) of the standard version of Student's book and Workbook; the new section with Video activities (Episodes 1-5); a didactic game; the interactive CD-ROM (3.0 version, compatible with both Windows and Mac); the audio CD (a completely new edition, in natural speed).

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