Mr Panda's Feelings Board Book - hodder and stoughton - 9781444932317 -
Mr Panda's Feelings Board Book  

Mr Panda's Feelings Board Book

Learn all about feelings with Mr Panda in this charmingly funny board book. Lemur is happy and Swan is scared. But how is Mr Panda is feeling ? Find out and help your little bears express their emotions with this simple board book story.Look out for more books starring Mr Panda. Over half a million copies sold to date!Please Mr PandaThank You Mr PandaI'll Wait Mr PandaGoodnight Mr [...]
[lire le résumé du livre]

Auteur : 

Editeur :  Hodder And Stoughton

Date parution :


Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
Dimension :
19,2 x 18,8 x 1,4 cm
Poids :
284 gr
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
13,50 €
Disponible expédié
sous 4 à 8 jours

Paiements sécurisés
CB Google/Apple Pay, Chèque, Virement
0.01€ à partir de 35€ en France métropolitaine
Satisfait ou remboursé sous 14 jours ouvrés

Quel est le sujet du livre "Mr Panda's Feelings Board Book"

Learn all about feelings with Mr Panda in this charmingly funny board book. Lemur is happy and Swan is scared. But how is Mr Panda is feeling ? Find out and help your little bears express their emotions with this simple board book story.

Look out for more books starring Mr Panda. Over half a million copies sold to date!Please Mr PandaThank You Mr PandaI'll Wait Mr PandaGoodnight Mr PandaMr Panda's Colours

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