Monstrous Design - head of zeus - 9781789543704 -
Monstrous Design 

Monstrous Design

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1794, London: Camille and Al are desperately hunting Olympe's kidnapper. From the glamorous excesses of the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens to the city's seedy underbelly, they are caught in a dangerous game of lies and deceit. And a terrible new enemy lies in wait with designs more monstrous than they could ever imagine... Can Camille play on to the end or will she be forced to show her hand?
[lire le résumé du livre]

Auteur : 

Editeur : Head Of Zeus

Date parution :


Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
Dimension :
13 x 20 x 32 cm
Poids :
334 gr
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
13,50 €(-62%)   5,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "Monstrous Design"

1794, London: Camille and Al are desperately hunting Olympe's kidnapper. From the glamorous excesses of the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens to the city's seedy underbelly, they are caught in a dangerous game of lies and deceit. And a terrible new enemy lies in wait with designs more monstrous than they could ever imagine... Can Camille play on to the end or will she be forced to show her hand?

In Paris, the Duc is playing his own dangerous games. With Ada in his thrall, old loyalties are thrown into question. The Battalion are torn apart as never before, and everything – Ada's love for Camille, her allegiance to the battalion itself – is under threat.

Auteurs :

Kat Dunn is the author of BITTERTHORN (May 2023), and the Battalion of the Dead trilogy:

She grew up in London and has lived in Japan, Australia and France.

She has a BA in Japanese from SOAS and an MA in English from Warwick. She’s written about mental health for Mind and The Guardian, and worked as a translator for Japanese television.

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