Itch - Management in Clinical Practice - karger - 9783318058888 -
Itch - Management in Clinical Practice 

Itch - Management in Clinical Practice

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A clinical guide for all practitionersAlbeit a very common symptom in dermatology, internal medicine, psychosomatics, neurology, and even oncology, itching was under-researched up until 15 years ago. Since then, the clinical aspects of acute and chronic itch have been examined extensively. As a result, some books on the topic have become [...]
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Auteur : 

Editeur : Karger

Collection : Currents Problems in Dermatology - 50

Date parution :

 Bilingue : Français | Anglais

Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
177,00 €(-69%)   54,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "Itch - Management in Clinical Practice"

A clinical guide for all practitioners
Albeit a very common symptom in dermatology, internal medicine, psychosomatics, neurology, and even oncology, itching was under-researched up until 15 years ago. Since then, the clinical aspects of acute and chronic itch have been examined extensively. As a result, some books on the topic have become available. Whereas most publications focus on experimental aspects and diagnostics, this volume of the series 'Current Problems in Dermatology' provides a comprehensive overview regarding the management of chronic itch.

Select authors consider interdisciplinary aspects as well as age, body region, and specific diseases as they present a great variety of available treatments. All physicians with patients suffering from itch ? especially dermatologists, general practitioners, gerontologists, nephrologists, hepatologists, neurologists, and palliative care doctors ? will find this publication to be an essential source of information.

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