Guide to Ruminant Anatomy: Dissection and Clinical Aspects - wiley - 9781119051022 -
Guide to Ruminant Anatomy: Dissection and Clinical Aspects 

Guide to Ruminant Anatomy: Dissection and Clinical Aspects

Guide to Ruminant Anatomy : Dissection and Clinical Aspectspresents a concise, clinically relevant reference to goat and cattle anatomy, with color schematic illustrations and embalmed arterially injected prosection images for comparison. Offers 244 color images depicting goat and cattle anatomy. Provides selected [...]
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Editeur : Wiley

Date parution :

 Bilingue : Français | Anglais

Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
110,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "Guide to Ruminant Anatomy: Dissection and Clinical Aspects"

Guide to Ruminant Anatomy : Dissection and Clinical Aspectspresents a concise, clinically relevant reference to goat and cattle anatomy, with color schematic illustrations and embalmed arterially injected prosection images for comparison. Offers 244 color images depicting goat and cattle anatomy. Provides selected line drawings correlated to dissection images of embalmed arterially injected specimens. Takes a practical approach, with material organized by body system within each region. Demonstrates the clinical relevance of basic anatomy. Poses review questions in each chapter, with answers and videos provided on a companion website 

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