Gold Experience - pearson - 9781292392844 -
Gold Experience 

Gold Experience
Student's Book & Interactive eBook with Digital Resources & App

Engage and motivate students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and their lives beyond school. Educate students about the world around, and allow them to bring their own experience into learning English.
[lire le résumé du livre]

Auteur : 

Editeur : Pearson

Date parution :  (2ème édition)


Niveau étude européen : B2

Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
Dimension :
22 x 1 x 27.5 cm
Poids :
450 gr
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
32,00 €
Actuellement indisponible
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Cet ouvrage n'est momentanément plus disponible chez l'éditeur
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CB Google/Apple Pay, Chèque, Virement
0.01€ à partir de 35€ en France métropolitaine
Satisfait ou remboursé sous 14 jours ouvrés

Quel est le sujet du livre "Gold Experience"

Engage and motivate students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and their lives beyond school. Educate students about the world around, and allow them to bring their own experience into learning English.

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