DOUBLE CROSS - gallery books - 9781852351472 -


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Kilroy shows, as through a prism, episodes in the lives of Brendan Bracken and William Joyce, including their relationship with Ireland and their conceptions of Britain and Germany in World War II. How these antagonists, given a choice by history, distorted their personalities to re-invent themselves becomes a spellbinding examination of the riddle of nationalism.
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Editeur : Gallery Books

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Quel est le sujet du livre "DOUBLE CROSS"

Kilroy shows, as through a prism, episodes in the lives of Brendan Bracken and William Joyce, including their relationship with Ireland and their conceptions of Britain and Germany in World War II. How these antagonists, given a choice by history, distorted their personalities to re-invent themselves becomes a spellbinding examination of the riddle of nationalism.

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