ADQI Consensus on AKI Biomarkers and Cardiorenal Syndromes - karger - 9783318024067 -
ADQI Consensus on AKI Biomarkers and Cardiorenal Syndromes 

ADQI Consensus on AKI Biomarkers and Cardiorenal Syndromes

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Associated with both acute kidney injury (AKI) and cardio-renal syndromes (CRS), new biomarkers represent both a popular arec of investigation and a new opportunity for advancement of therapy. This book contains the resolutions of the most recent ADQI conferences on biomarkers in AKI (Dublin) and on CRS (Venise). The first part answers specific questions about new biomarkers [...]
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Auteur : 

Editeur : Karger

Collection : Contributions to Nephrology - 182

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ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
169,00 €(-59%)   69,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "ADQI Consensus on AKI Biomarkers and Cardiorenal Syndromes"

Associated with both acute kidney injury (AKI) and cardio-renal syndromes (CRS), new biomarkers represent both a popular arec of investigation and a new opportunity for advancement of therapy.

This book contains the resolutions of the most recent ADQI conferences on biomarkers in AKI (Dublin) and on CRS (Venise). The first part answers specific questions about new biomarkers and their use and utility in AKI: What are the most suitable candidate molecules and physiologic measures? How solid and evidence-based is the discovery phase? How can we incorporate the new biomarkers in the AKI conceptuel mode) describing the evolution from susceptibility to insult, decreased GFR and organ death?

Even if we have a positive biomarker pattern and we can identify patients at risk or patients with early or even subclinical AKI, how is this information affecting our clinical behavior and practice? The second part is dedicated to the appraisal of the current knowledge about the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in different forms of CRS: it contains contributions on the state-of-the-art knowledge and practice of CRS, particularly focusing on the pathophysiology of the five subtypes.

Acute and chronic mechanisms of damage are explored in depth, with particular attention to the primacy of organ involvement and the subsequent pathways of organ crosstalk.

Presenting the most recent research in the field of biomarkers, AKI and CRS, this publication is an important educational tool for advanced investigators and clinical experts, but also for students and fellows.

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Sommaire et contenu du livre "ADQI Consensus on AKI Biomarkers and Cardiorenal Syndromes"

IX Preface
McCullough, PA (Novi, Mich.); Kellum, JA (Pittsburgh, Pa.);
Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Calif); Murray, PT (Dublin); Roneo, C (Vicenza)

1 Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)
Roneo, C (Vicenza); Kellum, JA (Pittsburgh, Pa.); Bellomo, R. (Heidelberg, Vic); Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Calif.)
5 Implementation of Novel Biomarkers in the Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Management of Acute Kidney lnjury: Executive Summary from the Tenth Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)
McCullough, PA (Warren, Mich.iSouthfield and Novi, Mich.lMadison Heights,
Mich.lDetroit, Mich.); Bouchard, J (Montréal, Que.); Waikar, s.s. (Boston, Mass.);
Siew, ED. (Nashville, Tenn.); Endre, Z.H. (Christchurch); Goldstein, S. (Cincinnati,
Ohio); Koyner, JL. (Chicago, III.); Macedo, E. (Sao Paulo); Doi, K. (Tokyo);
Di Somma, S. (Rome); Lewington, A (Leeds); Thadhani, R. (Boston, Mass.);
Chakravarthi, R. (Albany, N.Y.); lce, C (Rotterdam); Okusa, MD.
(Charlottesville, Va); Duranteau, J (Bicetre); Doran, P (Munich); Yang, L.;
Jaber, B1. (Boston, Mass.); Meehan, S. (Chicago, 111.); Kellum, JA (Pittsburgh, Pa.);
Haase, M. (Magdeburg); Murray, PT (Dublin); Cruz, D. (Vicenza); Maisel, A
(San Diego, Ca 1if.); Bagshaw, S.M. (Edmonton, Alta.); Chawla, L.S.
(Washington, D.C); Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Calif); Shaw, AD. (Durham, N.C);
Roneo, C (Vicenza); for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)
Consensus Group

13 Diagnosis of Acute Kidney lnjury Using Functional and lnjury
Biomarkers: Workgroup Statements from the Tenth Acute Dialysis
Quality Initiative Consensus Conference

McCullough, PA (Detroit, Mich.); Shaw, AD. (Durham, N.C); Haase, M.
(Magdeburg); Bouchard, J. (Montreal, Que.); Waikar, S.s. (Boston, Mass.);
Siew, ED. (Nashville, Tenn.); Murray, PT. (Dublin); Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Calif);
Roneo, C (Vicenza); for the ADQI 10 Workgroup

30 Differentiai Diagnosis of AKI in Clinical Practice by Functional and
Damage Biomarkers: Workgroup Statements from the Tenth Acute
Dialysis Quality Initiative Consensus Conference

Endre, Z.H. (Sydney, N.S.w./Christchurch); Kellum, JA (Pittsburgh, Pa.);
Di Somma, S. (Rome); Doi, K. (Tokyo); Goldstein, S1. (Cincinnati, Ohio);
Koyner, JL. (Chicago, III); Macedo, E. (Sao Paulo); Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Calif.);
Murray, PT. (Dublin); for the ADQI 10 Workgroup

45 Use of Biomarkers to Assess Prognosis and Guide Management of
Patients with Acute Kidney lnjury
Cruz, D.N. (Vicenza); Bagshaw, S.M. (Edmonton, Alta.); Maisel, A. (San Diego,
Calif.); Lewington, A. (Leeds); Thadhani, R. (Boston, Mass.); Chakravarthi, R.
(Hyderabad); Murray, PT (Dublin); Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Calif.); Chawla, L.s.
(Washington, D.c.); for the ADQI 10 Workgroup

65 Physiological Biomarkers of Acute Kidney lnjury: A Conceptual
Approach to Improving Outcomes

Okusa, MD (Charlottesville, Va.); Jaber, B1. (Boston, Mass); Doran, P(Dublin); Duranteau, J (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre); Yang, L. (Beijing); Murray, PT (Dublin); Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Calif.); Ince, C (Rotterdam); for the ADQll 0 Workgroup
82 Pathophysiology of the Cardiorenal Syndromes: Executive Summary from the Eleventh Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)
McCullough, PA (Warren, Mich.iSouthfield and Novi, Mich.lMadison Heights, Mich.lDetroit, Mich.); Kellum, JA. (Pittsburgh, Pa.); Haase, M. (Magdeburg); Müller, C (Basel); Damman, K. (Groningen); Murray, PT (Dublin); Cruz, D. (Vicenza); House, AA (London, Ont.); Schmidt-Ott, K.M. (Berlin); Vescovo, G. (Vicenza); Bagshaw, SM (Edmonton, Alta.); Hoste, EA (Gent); Briguori, C (Naples); Braam, B. (Edmonton, Alta.); Chawla, L.S. (Washington, D.c.); Costanzo, M.R. (lJaperville, III.); Tumlin, JA. (Chattanooga, Tenn.); Herzog, CA (Minneapolis, Minn.); Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Cal if.); Rabb, H. (Baltimore, Md.); Shaw, AD. (Durham, N.c.); Singbartl, K. (Pittsburgh, Pa.); Roneo, C (Vicenza); for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group
99 Pathogenesis of Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 1 in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: Workgroup Statements from the Eleventh Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)
Haase, M. (Magdeburg); Müller, C (Basel); Damman, K. (Groningen); Murray, PT. (Dublin); Kellum, JA. (Pittsburgh, Pa.); Roneo, C (Vicenza); McCullough, PA (Warren, Mich.iSouth~eld and Novi, Mich.lMadison Heights, Mich.lDetroit, Mich); for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group
117 Pathophysiology of Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 2 in Stable Chronic Heart Failure: Workgroup Statements from the Eleventh Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Cruz, D.N. (San Diego, Calif.); House, AA (London, Ont.); Schmidt-Ott, K.M. (Berlin); Vescovo, G. (Vicenza); Kellum, JA. (Pittsburgh, Pa.); Roneo, C (Vicenza); McCullough, PA (Warren, Mich.iSouthfield and Novi, Mich.lMadison Heights, Mich.lDetroit, Mich); for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group
137 Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 3: Pathophysiologic and Epidemiologie Considerations
Bagshaw, S.M. (Edmonton, Alta.); Hoste, EA (Gent); Braam, B. (Edmonton, Alta.); Briguori, C (Naples); Kellum, J.A. (Pittsburgh, Pa.); McCullough, PA (Warren, Mich.iSouthfield and Novi, Mich.lMadison Heights, MichJDetroit, Mich); Roneo, C (Vicenza); for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative 11 Working Group
158 Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 4: Insights on Clinical Presentation and Pathophysiology from the Eleventh Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Tumlin, JA (Chattanooga, Tenn.); Costanzo, M.R. (Naperville, 111.); Chawla, L.5. (Washington, D.C); Herzog, CA (Minneapolis, Minn.); Kellum, JA (Pittsburgh, Pa.); McCullough, PA (Warren, Mich.iSouthfield and Novi, MichJMadison Heights, Mich.lDetroit, Mich.); Roneo, C (Vicenza); for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) 11 Consensus Group
174 Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 5: Clinical Presentation, Pathophysiology and Management Strategies from the Eleventh Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Mehta, R.L. (San Diego, Calif.); Rabb, H. (Baltimore, Md.); Shaw, AD. (Durham, N.C); Singbartl, K. (Hershey, Pa.); Roneo, C (Vicenza); McCullough, PA (Warren, Mich.iSouthfield and Novi, Mich.lMadison Heights, Mich.lDetroit, Mich.); Kellum, J.A. (Pittsburgh, Pa.); for the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) 11 Working Group
195 Appendix 1: 1Oth Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group 197 Appendix 2: l1th Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Group
199 Author Index
200 Subject Index

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