Phosphate and Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease - karger - 9783318023695 -
Phosphate and Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease 

Phosphate and Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease

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The enormous progress made during the lest decade has resulted in a better conceptuel understanding of minera) ion metabolism in general. With regard to chronic kidney disease, the two mort affected nutrients are phosphate and vitamin D.This book provides an overview of the physiological aspects of phosphate and vitamin D metabolism, and how their pathological dysregulation [...]
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Auteur : 

Editeur : Karger

Collection : Contributions to Nephrology - 180

Date parution :

 Bilingue : Français | Anglais

Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
169,00 €(-59%)   69,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "Phosphate and Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease"

The enormous progress made during the lest decade has resulted in a better conceptuel understanding of minera) ion metabolism in general. With regard to chronic kidney disease, the two mort affected nutrients are phosphate and vitamin D.

This book provides an overview of the physiological aspects of phosphate and vitamin D metabolism, and how their pathological dysregulation facilitates advancement of chronic kidney disease.

It looks into the complex molecular and organ cross-talks during disease progression that range from the involvement of fibroblast growth factor (FGF23)-klotho system to impaired phosphate transport to hormonal dysfunctions of PTH and vitamin D. Each chapter clearly presents the clinically and biologically important problems and lists the key unsolved issues related to chronic kidney disease and beyond. Illustrations explaining mufti-factoriel and multi-organ interactions provide an easy outline for the reader to appreciate the complex biological pathways.

For those without prior familiarity with the subject matter, this volume may serve as a quick reference to get updated information on phosphate and vitamin D metabolism.

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Sommaire et contenu du livre "Phosphate and Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease"


VII Preface
Razzaque, MS (Boston, Mass.)
1 Osteo-Renal Cross-Talk and Phosphate Metabolism by the
FGF23-Klotho System

Ohnishi, M.; Razzaque, MS (Boston, Mass.)
14 Extracellular Phosphate as a Signaling Molecule
Michigami, T. (Osaka)
2S Complex Regulation and Diverse Functions of Alpha-Klotho
Maeda, R; Imura, A.; Nabeshima, Y (Kobe)
47 Klotho and Chronic Kidney Disease
Hu, M.C; Kuro-o, M.; Moe, OW (Dallas, Tex)
64 Nuclear Receptor LXR: A New Partner for Sodium-Dependent
Phosphate Cotransporters

Caldas, y (Aurora, Colo/Zaragoza); Giral, H. (Aurora, Colo);
Sorribas, V. (Zaragoza); Levi, M. (Aurora, Colo.)

74 Phosphate Toxicity and Vascular Mineralization
Razzaque, MS (Boston, Mass/Nagasaki)
86 Vitamin D and Type Il Sodium-Dependent Phosphate Cotransporters
Kido, S.; Kaneko, L; Tatsumi, S.; Segawa, H.; Miyamoto, K. (Tokushima)
98 Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease
Li, yc. (Chicago, III)
110 Parathyroid Function in Chronic Kidney Disease: Role of FGF23-Klotho Axis
Koizumi, M.; Komaba, H.; Fukagawa, M. (/sehara)
124 FGF23-lnduced Hypophosphatemia Persists in Hyp Mice Deficient in the WNT Coreceptor Lrp6
Uchihashi, K.; Nakatani, T. (Boston, Mass.); Goetz, R.; Mohammadi, M. (New York, NY.); He, X.; Razzaque, MS (Boston, Mass.)
138 Can Salivary Phosphate Levels Be an Early Biomarker to Monitor the Evolvement of Obesity?
Hartman, M.-L. (Cambridge, Mass.); Groppo, F. (Piracicaba, SP); Ohnishi, M. (Boston, Mass.); Goodson, J.M.; Hasturk, H.; Tavares, M.; Yaskell, T; Floros, C. (Cambridge, Mass.); Behbehani, K. (Dasman); Razzaque, MS. (Boston, Mass.)
149 Author Index
150 Subject Index

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