Lagrangian Mechanics - wiley - 9781786304360 -
Lagrangian Mechanics  

Lagrangian Mechanics
An Advanced Analytical Approach

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Throughout the book, any demonstrated results are stated with the respective hypotheses, clearly indicating the applicability conditions for the results to be ready for use. Numerous examples accompany the text, facilitating the understanding of the calculation mechanisms. The book is mainly intended for Bachelor's, Master's or engineering students who are interested in an [...]
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Editeur :  Wiley

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ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
180,00 € (-50%)    90,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "Lagrangian Mechanics"

Throughout the book, any demonstrated results are stated with the respective hypotheses, clearly indicating the applicability conditions for the results to be ready for use. Numerous examples accompany the text, facilitating the understanding of the calculation mechanisms.

The book is mainly intended for Bachelor's, Master's or engineering students who are interested in an in-depth study of analytical mechanics and its applications.

En suivant ce lien, retrouvez tous les livres dans la spécialité Mécanique du point et des solides.

Sommaire et contenu du livre "Lagrangian Mechanics - An Advanced Analytical Approach"

1. Kinematics.
2. Parameterization and Parameterized Kinematics.
3. Efforts.
4. Virtual Kinematics.
5. Virtual Powers.
6. Lagrange’s Equations.
7. Perfect Joints.
8. Lagrange’s Equations in the Case of Perfect Joints.
9. First Integrals.
10. Equilibrium.
11. Revision Problems.

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