Innate Immunity : Resistance and Disease-Promoting Principales Vol 4 - karger - 9783318023473 -
Innate Immunity : Resistance and Disease-Promoting Principales Vol 4 

Innate Immunity : Resistance and Disease-Promoting Principales Vol 4

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Innate Imrnunity: Resistance and Disease-Promoting PrinciplesVIII + 130 p., 13 fig., 10 in color, hard cover, 2013. Our understanding of the complex innate immune response is increasing rapidly. Its rote in the protection against viral or bacterial pathogens is essential for the survival of an organism. However, it is equally important to avoid [...]
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Auteur : 

Editeur : Karger

Collection : Else Kröner-Fresenius Symposia - 4

Date parution :

 Bilingue : Français | Anglais

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ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
68,00 €(-48%)   35,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "Innate Immunity : Resistance and Disease-Promoting Principales Vol 4"

Innate Imrnunity: Resistance and Disease-Promoting Principles

VIII + 130 p., 13 fig., 10 in color, hard cover, 2013.

Our understanding of the complex innate immune response is increasing rapidly.

Its rote in the protection against viral or bacterial pathogens is essential for the survival of an organism. However, it is equally important to avoid unregulated inflammation because innate immune responses tan cause or promote chronic autoinflammatory diseases such as gout, atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes or certain aspects of the metabolic syndrome.

In this book leading international experts in the field of innate immunity share their findings, define the 'state of the art' in this field and evaluate how insight into the molecular basis of these diseases could help in the design of new therapies.

A tremendous amount of work on the innate immune response has been dope over the last fifteen years, culminating in the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine awarded for the discoveries of Toll genes in immunity in flies, membrane-bound Toll-like receptors in mammals, and dendritic tells as initiators of adaptive immunity.
KARG E R    

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Sommaire et contenu du livre "Innate Immunity : Resistance and Disease-Promoting Principales Vol 4"


VII Preface Pahernik, 5. (Heidelberg)
Introduction Wagner, H. (Munich); Hartmann, G. (Bonn)
Chapter 1: Innate Immunity and Inflammation
4 Innate Immunity, Inflammation and Colorectal Cancer Wang, K.; Grivennikov, 5.; Karin, M. (La Jolla, Calif.)
11 Immunobiology of C-Type Lectin Receptors Roth, 5.; Thomas, C. (Munich); Ruland, J. (Munich/Neuherberg)
lS Mechanisms of IL-ll3 Maturation in Neutrophils Mankan, A.K.; Hornung, V. (Bonn)
Chapter 2: Innate Immunity and Transplantation
24 The Innate Immune System: Its Rediscovery before Toll Was Described Land, WG.; Messmer, K. (Munich)
29 Innate-Adaptive Immune Responses in Organ Ischemia/Reperfusion lnjury Ji, H.; Zhai, Y; Kupiec-Weglinski, JW (Los Angeles, Calif.)
35 Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells in Transplantation: From Preclinical to Clinical Application Moreau, A.; Cuturi, M.-C. (Nantes)

Chapter 3: Innate Immunity and Intestinal Microbiota
43 Microbiota's Influence on Immunity
Honda, K.; Tanoue, T; Nagano, Y; Atarashi, K. (Tokyo)
48 Inflammasomes and Mucosallmmune Response
Elinav, E.; Henao-Mejia, J. (New Haven, Conn.); Flavell, RA (New Haven, Conn/Chevy Chase, Md.)
53 Microbial Endocrinology: An Evolution-Based Shared Mechanism Determining
Microbiota's Influence on Health and Disease

Lyte, M. (Abilene, Tex.)
Chapter 4: Innate Immunity and Disease Promotion
59 Standing Guard: Innate Lymphoid Cells Promote Immunity and Tissue Homeostasis at
Barrier Surfaces

Monticelli, LA; Artis, D. (Philadelphia, Pa.)
73 miRNAs That Shape the Innate Immune System: Regulation through Toll-Like Receptor Signaling
Curtis, A.M.; O'Neill, LAJ. (Dublin)
80 Type 2 Diabetes and Islet Inflammation
Donath, MY. (Basel)
86 The Innate Immune System in Alzheimer's Disease
Beckert, H.; Halle, A. (Bonn)
91 Role of Inflammasomes in Obesity
Dixit, V.O. (Baton Rouge, La.)
96 Gut-Brain Communication in the Regulation of System Metabolism
Müller, TD.; Pfluger, PT.; Tschbp, M.H. (Munich/Cincinnati, Ohio)
Chapter 5: Drosophila and Immunity
103 Metabolism and Innate Immunity: FOXO Regulation of Antimicrobial Peptides in
Loch, G; Jentgens, E.; Bülow, M.; Zinke, 1. (Bonn); Mari, T; 5uzuki, 5.; Takeyama, H. (Tokyo); Hoch, M. (Bonn)
Chapter 6: Innate Signaling and Adaptive Immunity
112 Dendritic Cells Orchestrate Innate Immunity against Bacterial Kidney Infection
Tittel, A.P.; Heuser, C; Garbi, N.; Kurts, C. (Bonn)
Chapter 7: Speakers at the Symposium
120 Speakers at the Symposium
127 Author Index 128 Subject Index

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