Evidence-Based Research in Pediatric Nutrition - karger - 9783318024562 -
Evidence-Based Research in Pediatric Nutrition 

Evidence-Based Research in Pediatric Nutrition

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Recognition of evidence-based medicine is not only increasing rapidly, but it has become essentiel to pediatric nutrition. Starting with some methodological issues - discussing systemic reviews, meta-analyses and clinicat trials - this publication then concisely summarizes current knowledge as well as ignorance and uncertainty regarding selected aspects of childhood nutrition. [...]
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Auteur : 

Editeur : Karger

Collection : World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics - 108

Date parution :

 Bilingue : Français | Anglais

Reliure :
Nbr de pages :
Dimension :
26 x 19 cm
ISBN 10 :
ISBN 13 :
126,50 €(-64%)   45,00 €
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Quel est le sujet du livre "Evidence-Based Research in Pediatric Nutrition"

Recognition of evidence-based medicine is not only increasing rapidly, but it has become essentiel to pediatric nutrition.

Starting with some methodological issues - discussing systemic reviews, meta-analyses and clinicat trials - this publication then concisely summarizes current knowledge as well as ignorance and uncertainty regarding selected aspects of childhood nutrition. These aspects include functional gastrointestinal disorders, issues concerning varions kinds of milk, complementary fonds, enteral nutrition, celiac disease or obesity. Contents are based on evidence and summarize current guidelines; moreover, when there is no clear evidence, they provide some food for thought.

Overall, this publication has been written to enable the clinicien to make informed decisions regarding pediatric nutrition.

En suivant ce lien, retrouvez tous les livres dans la spécialité Nutrition pédiatrique.

Sommaire et contenu du livre "Evidence-Based Research in Pediatric Nutrition"


VII List of Contributors
IX Preface
Szajewska, H. (Warsaw); Shamir, R. (Petach-Tikva)

Methodological Considerations
1 Importance of Systematie Reviews and Meta-Analyses in Pediatrie Nutrition Szajewska, H. (Warsaw)
11 Strengths and Weaknesses of Observational Nutritional Studies Patro-Gofqb, B.; Szajewska, H. (Warsaw)
18 Scientific Standards for Human Intervention Trials Evaluating Health Benefits of Foods, and Their Application to Infants, Children and Adolescents
Woodside, J.v. (Belfast); Koletzko, BV. (Munich); Patterson, c.c. (Belfast);
Welch, RW (Coleraine)

ImpaCt of Early Nutr:l~ion on Later Outcomes

32 Early Nutrition and Health: Short-and Long-Term Outcomes
Gruszfeld, D.; Socha, P. (Warsaw)
Issûes in Infant Feèding
40 Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Dietary Fiber in the Management of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Horvath, A.; Szajewska, H. (Warsaw)
49 Growing-Up Milk: A Necessity or Marketing? Przyrembel, H. (Berlin); Agostoni, C. (Milan)
56 Cow's Milk and Goat's Milk
Turck, D. (Lille)
63 The Timing of Introduction of Complementary Foods and Later Health Agostoni, C. (Milan); Przyrembel, H. (Berlin)
71 Dietary Interventions for Primary Allergy Prevention -What Is the Evidence? von Berg, A. (Wesel) 79 Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation ofTerm Infants: Are They Necessary? Lubetzky, R.; Mandel, D.; Mimouni, F.B. (Tel-Aviv)
Issues in Nutrition of Children

86 Enterai Nutrition
Kolacek, S. (Zagreb)
91 Celiac Disease -Prevention Strategies through Early Infant Nutrition
Chmielewska, A.; Szajewska, H. (Warsaw); Shamir, R. (Petach-Tikva)
98 Interventions for Treating Obesity in Children
De Miguel-Etayo, P; Bueno, G.; Garagorri, J.M.; Moreno, LA (Zaragoza)
107 Author Index 108 Subject Index

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