Livres de l'éditeur - Editions karger - page 8

A Matter of Wonder
What Biology Reveals about Us, Our World, and Our Dreams
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Editeur : KARGER
Année : 01/2011

Where do we come from? Is our destiny determined by the genes we inherit? Do we all see the same blue color when we look at the sky?

In this book Gottfried (Jeff) Schatz, the world-renowned biochemist and co-discoverer of mitochondrial DNA, gives lucid - albeit often surprising - answers to ...
[lire la quatrième du livre A Matter of Wonder]

29,00 €(-34%)   19,00 €
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Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists - Part 3
Achetez l'article neuf à prix reduit et gagnez 51 €
Editeur : KARGER
Année : 01/2010

An intriguing and enlightening read

The third part of Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists presents painters, musicians, and writers who had to fight against an acute or chronic neurological disease. Sometimes this fight was without success (e.g.
[lire la quatrième du livre Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists - Part 3]

106,00 €(-48%)   55,00 €
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Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists - Part 2
Achetez l'article neuf à prix reduit et gagnez 32.25 €
Editeur : KARGER
Année : 01/2007

More on the relationship between brain disease and creativity

?Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists - Part 2' presents more writers, philosophers, musicians, painters and film directors who developed some form of neurological dysfunction and whose style and output changed following a stroke or other cerebral disorder.
[lire la quatrième du livre Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists - Part 2]

92,25 €(-34%)   60,00 €
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Using and Understanding Medical Statistics
Achetez l'article neuf à prix reduit et gagnez 25 €
Editeur : KARGER
Année : 01/2007

A broad introduction to biostatistics that should be on the shelf of every life scientist

Noteworthy advances have occurred in both the practice of medicine and biostatistical methods since the previous edition of this book was published. For example, physicians' acceptance of the importance of ?evidence-based medicine' is much more widespread now than it was in the mid-1990s.
[lire la quatrième du livre Using and Understanding Medical Statistics]

45,00 €(-55%)   20,00 €
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Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists - Part 1
Editeur : KARGER
Année : 01/2005

Fascinating insights into the relationship between brain disease and creativity

The study of how a neurological disorder can change the artistic activity and behavior of creative people is a largely unexplored field.
[lire la quatrième du livre Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists - Part 1]

76,65 €
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