Revisiting 1922

Référence: 9782252046647

ARTICLES Laurent FOLLIOT : Foreword. 1922 And All That ; or, Modernism After All Amélie DUCROUX : T. S. Eliot's 'Significance' Aurore CLAVIER : 'The Past is the Present' : Marianne Moore's Historiographical Observations Olivier HERCEND : Agency beyond Action : Modernist Characters as Interpreters and Readers Christine REYNIER : Rethinking Modernism with Sylvia Townsend Warner's Lolly Willowes (1926) Valérie FAVRE : The Token Woman of 1922 ? Virginia Woolf and the Gendered Battles of Anglo-American Modernist Criticism Diane DROUIN : 'Mine was a dislocated journey' : Reflexivity and Fragmentation in Mina Loy's Autobiographies and Archives VARIA Ronald LESSENS : Un chevalier dans la tourmente révolutionnaire : les ancêtres français de Virginia Woolf et de Julia Margaret Cameron Notes on contributors

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